Monday, August 9, 2010

A Second Chance ???

"There are no second chances to make a first impression."

Even though none of us remember exactly who said this for the first time, it's still good advice when it comes to trade show "booth etiquette".

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, remember that food and drink (of any kind) have no place in your booth, your cozy little "home away from home for a few days". And do I really need to say it? cell phones/blackberrys should be in the off position. And even if your feet are hurting (why on earth did you where those tribal stilettos/new loafers?) you should never be sitting. Or, for that matter, standing with your back to the aisle. That man with the funny little hat that just passed you by was your new best customer on his way elsewhere.

So straighten up your booth, pop in a breath mint (not that wad of gum in your pocket) and stop channeling Sean Penn before you miss your next golden opportunity to make a new friend. And remember to open with an engaging question (not the standard we've-heard-it-a-million-times-before: "can I help you, sir? ") Begin the sentence with a who/what/where/how. . . "how familiar are you, with our product?" Be prepared, like a good scout. This is your merit badge supreme, your time to shine.

Look for success, it's there, you're ready, and you are about to find it.

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